Odoo Migration Experts

Let's Start Migrating Odoo.
Focus is important  and ours is 100% on Odoo migrations!

TinyERP > OpenERP > Odoo  

Since its first release, Odoo has grown at an unforeseen rate. This makes it the most adopted ERP in the world. It's currently used by over 3 million companies, that rely on it to run their businesses successfully. 

Every version comes with notable upgrades in usability, performance, completeness and robustness.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Keeping Odoo Updated  

This fast pace of updates (a new version comes out practically every year) and the high rate of implementation of new features and technologies, makes it harder to upgrade from one version to another. 

As new versions are released, earlier users are getting stuck in older and older versions, which is preventing them from taking advantage of the latest wonderful and powerful features of more recent versions of Odoo.

   Using the latest Odoo is increasingly a matter of competitiveness.

A New Approach  

Our approach breaks this cycle, introducing Odoo’s newest technology and features into your company. By migrating to the latest Odoo version, we are empowering companies worldwide to take advantage of the latest Odoo technology and features, in order to grow and consolidate their businesses.

Our focus, commitment and services are 100% dedicated to: finding the best migration process and tools, as well as to provide the best migration experience, quality and security.

Odoo • Text and Image

We only do Odoo migration services ... but we do it pretty well!

Version Independent

No need to migrate to each version (or sequentially). We will migrate your Odoo database from v8.0 to v17.0 in one single step, and omitting all intermediary unnecessary versions.

We migrate your data and modules - private and/or public - and even customizations done on graphical user interfaces and/or server actions.

Module Independent

Migration is doable, even if some modules are unfinished, or you only need data and not the module features.

In most cases, you don’t use functionality is no longer used, or it was replaced by another process or module.

But you might want to be able to use the old data, for reporting, or for other modules.

High Security

No need to send us passwords or access credentials. We don't require access to your company server nor PostgreSQL server to obtain the source data.

Full SSL/HTTPS encrypted access.

No dumps and restores. Migrations are validated while using the current system. Updates only occur on final validation, with a very brief downtime or overnight. 

Module Migration

We can migrate any module to any version. Take the opportunity to enhance your processes, or simply functionalities, thus improving your business efficiency.

If user training is needed, we provide it as an extra. We can ensure that your users will be even more efficient than they were using an older Odoo version.

Data Module Warranty

After migration and/or upgrade, we can tune views, re-import or adapt data to fit like a glove into the new version or customize and configure modules.

Rest assured that you will have all data migrated well.

Even if you don't wish to migrate a module, you can still have the data on the destination database.

Simple Pricing

No hidden cost. One fixed price.

€1500* per Odoo database migration from Odoo Version 8.0 and 15.0

€1* per line of code.  * Prices exclude VAT.

Request a quote for:

Module development/enhancement; 

Functional training;

Technical training; 

Moodule translation.

500+ companies have already migrated their good old Odoo.

Enjoy all the benefits of using a state-of-the-art Odoo in your company in less than a week, much less than 1 man/month and with high security.

We are 100% focused on finding the best tools and processes to provide the most innovative, complete and secure Odoo data and module migration. For us, this is the greatest benefit we can offer. It ensures the best possible service, our full commitment, and attention to the smallest detail. All the feedback we usually receive confirms our convictions.
Thank you to all. W e are really happy and proud to have been of help .  "

— Carlos Almeida, CEO of Odoo Migrations Experts


How will you migrate my Odoo database?

The process will be like this:

  1. You download and verify our public module, before installing it, it will allow us to get essencial metadata, for migration planning;

  2. Send us the security token so we can get metadata from your database, like modules, customizations and number of records. You will then, let us know what modules and data you decided to migrate;

  3. We create a new database with migrated modules and migrate your data into it. You will access and test migrated data and modules;

  4. When Ready --2--> Turn the Key! We do final sync to the new database, or we can send you a dump of the new database, just before you update your NS records or reverse proxy configuration. Final sync can be done at the end, for high traffic databases.

After migration, you will have a VIP service guarantee, which will allows you the use of our support to fix migrated modules bugs, or needed reconfigurations for new Odoo version.

How long does a migration take?

Depending of the size of your database and number of modules to migrate this can take between a couple of days to a week. On average we are doing it in 3 days.

Do you translate the migrated modules?

No. We don't translate the migrated modules. We migrate the code, deploy and deliver it in English as standard.

Do you migrate the website?

Although we migrate webpages (data), we can't guarantee that website will be and work exactly as the original one.

So it's up to the client to decide what to do, some of our clients decide to do some fixings on the migrated webpages, but others take the opportunity to improve the website from scratch.

How much it will cost me to migrate my Odoo database?

Our price is fixed at 1200€ per database from version 8.0 to 12.0 and 1500€ for version 13.0 and version 14.0, for standard modules*, and 1€ per line of code for modules migration. You can migrate for free though, if you move your Odoo database to our servers after migration (minimum 12 months subscription). You can keep your Odoo with us and don't ever pay for data migrations.

* Depending of your private modules data complexity we might charge a small extra.
* For Odoo <= v6.1 versions we charge an extra 500€.
* We use this bash command to calculate number of lines, excluding empty lines and comments. You can try your self:

# Generating a /tmp/ome.tmp file to check final result (this file can be really big):
tmp_file="/tmp/ome.tmp"; rm -rf $tmp_file; for f in $(find . -iname *.py -o -iname *.js -o -iname *.xml); do cat $f >> $tmp_file; done; sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*#.*$/d' -e '/^\/\*/,/\*\/$/d' -e '/<?xml.*?>/d' -e '/<!--/,/-->/d' -e '/<odoo>/d' -e '/<openerp>/d' -e '/<data>/d' -e '/<\/data>/d' -e '/<\/.*>/d' -e '/\/>/d' -e '/.*<tr>$/d' -e '/.*<\/tr>$/d' -e '/.*<td>$/d' -e '/.*<\/td>$/d' $tmp_file | wc -l
# or without a tmp file (faster):
echo "$(for f in $(find . -iname '*.py' -o -iname '*.js' -o -iname '*.xml'); do cat $f; done)" | sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*#.*$/d' -e '/^\/\*/,/\*\/$/d' -e '/<?xml.*?>/d' -e '/<!--/,/-->/d' -e '/<odoo>/d' -e '/<openerp>/d' -e '/<data>/d' -e '/<\/data>/d' -e '/<\/.*>/d' -e '/\/>/d' -e '/.*<tr>$/d' -e '/.*<\/tr>$/d' -e '/.*<td>$/d' -e '/.*<\/td>$/d' | wc -l

What 1€ per line of code is all about, how you calculate them?

The modules developed for previous versions of Odoo always require some tunings to work properly, because of changes on Odoo framework or Python, for example the API changes in v8.0 and v9.0, and the Python 2 to 3 in v10.0. But there are other small fixings also related to new user interfaces and usability.

So we count lines in *.py, *.xml and *.js that are not comments, empty lines and also lines with only closing brackets. For that we use the following BASH script, try it yourself, create a new directory and copy all custom modules to be migrated there and run one of the following commands:

So we charge 1€ for each line of server Python code (*.py), server views (*.xml) and JavaScript of client GUI (*.js). For big modules, with thousands of lines, contact us, maybe after some analysis, we can then reach on a vaiable agreement for both parties.

Check "How much it will cost me to migrate my Odoo database?" FAQ.

Can you only migrate the data if I migrate my private or public modules internally?

Yes we can and will migrate only your data, this is valid for both public a private modules. You just need to make the private modules available to us, during migration period. We will eliminate the private modules from our servers after migration, or upon your request.

Can you migrate my Enterprise Edition Odoo?

Yes, we can migrate both Odoo Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE).

The presented prices don't include VAT, if required, how can I calculate final prices?

To calculate it you must add 23% VAT. This value can change at any time by Portuguese law.

To get price with taxes do: price x (1 + 0.23)